Gluten-free cookies & brownie bites!

September 19 & 20 is GiantFest weekend in Seville. You can start your festival day Saturday with the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast at Seville United Methodist Church and then walk off those good hotcakes by visiting the Seville Farm Market at Stanhope Park, right in front of the church.

Market baker Karen Lucas will have gluten-free peanut butter cookies and gluten-free brownie bites available this Saturday. Come on by and try some!

The Gladdens expect to have fresh celery, brussels sprouts, eggplant, radishes -- and more Tennessee Spinning Gourds. In bygone days, these fun little gourds were a favorite of children who enjoyed spinning them like tops. They're great for decorating and crafts, too.

We'll also have new official Seville Farm Market re-usable shopping bags available for purchase. They are large, heavy-duty bags -- perfect for carrying home lots of fresh produce and other goodies. Plus, the bags are emblazoned with the handsome Seville Farm Market logo -- designed by Cloverleaf High School art teacher Mollie Jarvis. Proceeds from the sale of the shopping bags go to support the market. Please see Kris Perry for details.

There's lots of good late-season produce on the way -- sweet potatoes, greens, squash and more -- as well as pumpkins, gourds and corn shocks for fall decorating. The Seville Farm Market will remain open through Saturday, October 31. We're planning some special fun for that day to celebrate the conclusion of a great first year, so stay tuned!

See you at the Seville Farm Market!


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